Venres 20 17:00 h
Diego Alonso - galician bagpipe - End of Studies Concert
Aforo: 30.
Venres 20 18:30 h
Fernando Estévez - galician bagpipe - End of Studies Concert
Aforo: 30.
Venres 20 20:00 h.
Beatriz Freijido - voice - End of Studies Concert
Aforo: 30.
Venres 27 11:30 h.
Héctor Varela - percussion - End of Studies Concert
Aforo: 30.
Venres 27 17:00 h.
Adrián Bugarín - tuba - End of Studies Concert
Aforo: 30.
Venres 27 18:30 h.
Estrela Fernández- flute - End of Studies Concert
Aforo: 30.
Venres 27 20:00 h.
Clara Sieiro- flute - End of Studies Concert
Aforo: 30.
Clarinet, cello and piano trio - Explore - # Beethoven250
Thursday 29
20.00 h.
Esteban Valverde, clarinet; Ana Torres, cello; Cristina García, piano
L. v. Beethoven, F. Ries, M. Bruch
+ info
Trio Voluntas - Explore - # Beethoven250
Thursday 22
20.00 h.
Roberto Noche, clarinete; Alejandro Costas, violonchelo; Patricia Rejas, piano
W. A. Mozart, L. v. Beethoven
Debussy, Schumann, Rachmaninov - DePiano -
Tuesday 20
20.00 h.
Iago García, piano; Andrés Montenegro, piano
C. Debussy, R. Schumann, S. Rachmaninov
Ensemble Verxel - Bolboreta - Explurart - CANCELLED
Thursday 8
20.00 h.
Emma Alonso, violín; Alba Novoa, viola; Sabela Vázquez, Cello; Melissa David, clarinete; Estefanía Fernández, frauta; Tania Justo, piano; Gabriel Vázquez, bailarín; África Suárez, bailarina
C. Debussy, R. Schumann, S. Rachmaninov
Multiple set - Galicia in Portugal and vice versa. Electroacoustic connection - Explore -
Tuesday 6
20.00 h.
Rafael Yebra, saxofóns; Dimitris Andrikopoulos, electrónica
Jesús González, Cândido Lima, Jaime Reis, Ângela Lopes, Xesus Xosé Iglesias González, Dimitris Andrikopoulos