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Masterclass LANA PAĆUKA 24-27/10/2022

LANA PAĆUKA (musicoloxía)

Academy of Music / University of Sarajevo (Bosnia)


11:00-13:00 h. [online]

Between East and West: Music Culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 19th Century


11:00-13:00 h. Aula 0

Music and media (Understanding the audience; News/press release; Podcasting; Social media)

13:00-15:00 h. Aula 0

Music and media (Understanding the audience; News/press release; Podcasting; Social media)

Publicar: Blog2 Post

Conservatorio Superior de Música de Vigo

Rúa Manuel Olivié, 23. 36203, Vigo.

Tlfno: 986 471 144

©2021 CSMVigo

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